Takaba Preschool
Capacity | 340 children |
Founded | April 1st, 1975 |
Director | Toshiharu Shimizu |
Address | 〒312-0062 1615, Takaba, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, 312-0062, Japan |
TEL | 029-297-6200 |
Seishin Preschool
Capacity | 270 children |
Founded | April 1st, 1997 |
Director | Keiko Shimizu |
Address | 〒312-0002 1782-5, Koya, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, 312-0002, Japan |
TEL | 029-202-0300 |
Simba Emino Nursery Shakujiidai
Capacity | 120 children |
Founded | April, 1st, 2017 |
Director | Masae Takahashi |
Address | 〒177-0045 3-36-10, Shakujiidai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, 177-0045, Japan |
TEL | 03-5923-1155 |
Simba Nursery Takaba
Capacity | 30 children |
Founded | April 1st, 2018 |
Director | Izumi Wada |
Address | 〒312-0062 1250-1, Takaba, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, 312-0062, Japan |
TEL | 029-212-3400 |
Simba Renaissance Kids
Capacity | 19 children |
Founded | April 1st, 2019 |
Director | Erica Shimizu |
Address | 〒312-0062 1595-26, Takaba, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, 312-0062, Japan |
TEL | 029-219-9181 |
Operating Hours
Takaba Preschool
Monday to Saturday | 7:00 – 19:30 [ Extended Hour Program | 18:00 – 19:30 ] |
Holiday | Sunday, National holiday, Year End, New Year holiday |
Seishin Preschool
Monday to Saturday | 7:00 – 19:00 [ Extended Hour Program | 18:00 – 19:00 ] |
Holiday | Sunday, National holiday, Year End, New Year holiday |
Simba Emino Nursery Shakujiidai
Monday to Saturday | 7:15 – 20:15 [ Extended Hour Program | 18:15 – 20:15 ] |
Holiday | Sunday, National holiday, Year End, New Year holiday |
Simba Nursery Takaba
Monday to Saturday | 7:45 – 18:45 |
Holiday | Saturday, Sunday, National holiday, Year End, New Year holiday |
Simba Renaissance Kids
Monday to Saturday | 7:45 – 18:45 |
Holiday | Sunday, National holiday, Year End, New Year holiday |
Curriculum(Takaba Preschool,Seishin Preschool)
Infant program
Infant program is available for children whose age is older than 8 weeks.
Extended hour program
18:00 – 19:30 [ Extra fees required ]
Special program
After interviewing, we welcome children with special needs if group nursing is possible. We have a limited number of acceptances.
Temporary program

Takaba Preschool
TEL 029(297)6200
Seishin Preschool
TEL 029(202)0300
Eligible for infant older than 1 year.
- Eligible if parent is part-time worker and/or student and it is difficult to nurse at home for about 3 days per week and need preschool’s help.
- Eligible if parent is in a situation of childbirth, illness, nursing others and need preschool’s temporary help. It’s also eligible for parent if nursing at home everyday imposes physical and mental strain and needs a temporary relief from it.
Post illness program
Short-term nursing program for children who is recovering from illness. Post illness nursing program is for children who past acute illness and in a recovering stage but still feel difficult to be in a group nursing environment. We offer a separate post illness recovery room for such children where they can be relaxed and take their pace to recover their physical strength. This program is not only providing nursing environment from children’s standpoint, but assisting working parent.
We accept 2 children per day. Monday to Friday, 8:30AM – 5:30PM. Please make an appointment at least by the day before the service to obtain Riyo-renraku-hyo ticket. *Riyo-renraku-hyo ticket will be expired in 7 days from the day you obtained, and the service period is along with your children’s doctor required.
Service fees2,000yen / child (includes lunch & snacks) Please make a payment in the morning of the day of the service. However, if your child is already enrolled to Takaba/Seishin Preschools, there will be no charge for this service.
Eligible for infant older than 1 year.
- Eligible to children from one full year old to before school age who live in Hitachinaka City, and enrolled to other preschools or kindergarten. Eligible to all children who had enrolled to Takaba & Seishin Preschools.
* Since this program is for “post-illness”, we may not able to accept child who has high fever / constant diarrhea / vomiting. If a child has any symptoms as such during the day of the post illness program, we may contact parent to pick up their children.
Acute illness program
If children get sick during their nursing program hours, our preschools take care of them untill parent will come and pick them up.
Child-Raising Assistance Center
By signing up to Child-Raising Assistance Center, both parent and children can participate in play class separated by age group. It also enables both you and your child to enjoy Takaba Preschool’s school events. Parent can obtain timely nursing information as well.
- Preschoolers and their parent who live in Hitachinaka City.